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Solid cultural heritage, the Swiss International Liaoyuan Channel Conference ended successfully

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Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province is an ancient city with a long history. It has human activities during the Bronze Age and has rich cultural heritage. With its rich black land culture in the Northeast, it enjoys the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art (paper-cut), Chinese folk art ( The hometown of two people, the hometown of Chinese peasant paintings, and the hometown of China.

坚实文化底蕴 瑞势国际吉林辽源渠道会议圆满落幕

   On August 2, 2018, Rui Shi International teamed up with famous brands such as Intel and Western Digital to hold the Rizhao Liaoyuan Channel Product Exchange Conference in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. The major installers in Liaoyuan City gathered together to discuss major events. The analysis of the storage industry is very lively.

坚实文化底蕴 瑞势国际吉林辽源渠道会议圆满落幕

   The conference showed the Swiss potential storage products. The unique Rui Shi China Red is the spotlight of the conference as always, attracting participants to stop. Ruishi storage products select raw materials, full-process production control, strict quality inspection, and perfect after-sales service, in line with the development needs of the industry, to meet the sales requirements of the majority of partners and the use requirements of the majority of users, it has been recognized by the industry. Rui Shi International will live up to the trust and support of everyone, and will use greater efforts and efforts to create higher quality storage products.

坚实文化底蕴 瑞势国际吉林辽源渠道会议圆满落幕

   At the meeting, the representative of Ruishi International made a speech on the spot, focusing on the development of Ruishi International, introducing the development history of Ruishi International, upgrading the products, and continuously optimizing the quality of the products. More emphasis on the new 2010 R950 SSD, R900 SSD, T100 mobile SSD, Wolverine memory, and Wolf memory have been greatly improved in both face value and performance. Among them, the Swiss Power Wolf wolf memory has been recognized by the users because of its high performance and colorful lighting effects. Finally, Rui Shi International expressed its friendly cooperation attitude with the participants.

坚实文化底蕴 瑞势国际吉林辽源渠道会议圆满落幕

坚实文化底蕴 瑞势国际吉林辽源渠道会议圆满落幕

   Through this meeting, Rui Shi International has reached close and long-term cooperative relationship with many attendees. It is believed that in the future, Rui Shi International and all partners will work together to create a new history of storage.

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  About Ramsta  

 Ruishi International Headquarters is located in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has set up a research and development center in Shenzhen. It has set up a sales company in Shenzhen. It has a storage product R&D and manufacturing base in Taiwan and Shenzhen. It is committed to the research and development and manufacturing of high-end, cutting-edge storage products. Rui Shi established the Greater China Marketing Center in Shenzhen. As a professional storage product R&D, manufacturing and sales integration service provider, Ruishi currently has a place in the SSD solid state drive, DARM module memory, TF flash card and other series of storage products.



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